Over the last few days i've recieved a few orders i made online for O.P.I polishes. I had been admiring a certain few for a long time and debating if I could justify buying nail polish that is so expensive. I looked at so many blogs and swatches that I made myself want some so badly! (Especially the Pirates Of The Carribean Collection) So.... I got some! : ) Actually, I got a lot of stuff, so this post will be a bit picture heavy.
I have been looking at swatches and reviews of the Pirates collection for so long now, and I decided I was going to get it! But no site I was on had the mini collection, but eventually I found
Millies.ie and Irish site that stocks so much O.P.I. polishes its insane! And what did I see? The Pirates mini collection! Yay! I am aware that I don't have the full set here, There are two more that I know of. I'm waiting for the Mermaid's Tears polish to come yet, and I don't really like the swatches if seen of Steady As She Rose, so I think i'm gonna skip getting that one alltogether.
L - R: Skull and Gloss Bones, Planks A Lot, Sparrow Me The Drama and Stranger Tides |
Look how pretty those colours are! I was really happy that they were exactly what I was expecting them to be at first glance, so far so good. And I love the packaging, There's a little mermaid on there, dont know if its overly clear or not, but it's cool packaging. Now onto the polishes!
Skull And Gloss Bones |
Skull And Gloss Bones would be my least favourite out of the collection. Not that I dislike it or anything, just compared to the others it's a little bland. It's a light grey polish that looks like it has a little brown in there too. It's nice, but putting this in there along side the other bright shades makes this one look dull and boring.
Skull And Gloss Bones |
Planks A Lot |
Planks A Lot is a dusky purple colour. It's almost a lavender colour. My camera wasn't picking up the colour of this one great, it's actually a lot more vibrant than it appears in the photos. I really like this shade, it's the perfect purple for spring and I can see myself reaching for this a lot.
Planks A Lot |
Sparrow Me The Drama |
Sparrow Me The Drama. This is the reason I wanted to try this whole collection. It's just so pretty! It's a light pink shade, but not so light that it makes my hands look dead. There's a kind of dusky look to this one too.It's my favourite of the bunch. I have already ordered a full sized bottle of this already because I love it so much that this little one won't last at all!
Sparrow Me The Drama |
Stranger Tides
Stranger Tides was so hard to take photos of! It's actually a sage green shade that has grey in it. It appears a lot more green in real life than it does in the photos. I was surprised by how much I liked this one a lot more than I thought I would!
Stranger Tides |
I'm so glad I found the Pirates Collection somewhere. I was going crazy trying to find it. All of the swatches were a little rushed as I was rushing to get these done before I had to go somewhere, so they're all just one coat and I have to say they covered pretty well with just one, so if you're in a rush and want to do your nails and only have time for one coat of polish, these arent bad ones to go with. However, I do think they look even better with two coats. I love the Pirates collection! Can't wait to get my big version of Sparrow Me The Drama, and also the Mermaid's Tears shade, from photos i've seen on other blogs, it looks beautiful!
I also decided that I needed more O.P.I polish as the one mini collection was not enough! So I headed over to
Cloud 10 Beauty, which is my favourite site to get anything from, they have amazing value and great shipping rates, and a beauty points reward system. Anyway, they had a bit of a sale going on, so I picked up Meep meep meep, a polish from the Muppets collection, and also a silver shatter polish.
Meep Meep Meep |
Meep Meep Meep is gorgeous! Though it's described as a fusicha colour, I think it's more of a pinkish, raspberry red type shade. It has some glitter in there too, but itsnt overloaded with it, it has just the right amount. Apologies for the messy shot below, but I think you'll get an idea of what it looks like. Again this was only after one coat as I was in a rush, but again theres great coverage on this probably due to the wide brush O.P.I. polishes have but it really is so pretty!
Meep Meep Meep |
Silver Shatter |
The Silver Shatter has really dissapointed me. I like the shattered polish look and saw swactches of this with both the Pirates collection and with meep meep meep and it looked amazing! I put this on, thinking it was going to be awesome....it barely cracked. So basically I was left with just silver nails. And yes...I was doing it right I've been rocking the shattered nails look for ages now, so I know how to do it properly. So unless the O.P.I. shatters have some special instructions that others dont, or unless I got a polish from a bad batch or something I dont know, but it really didn't work, I didn't even take photos I was that annoyed by this. I really wanted to love it so badly.
So thats my O.P.I. haul! I'm really going to invest in more from this brand, the quality is amazing and the colours are beautiful and also I love the names they give them. So thats it! If anyone knows why my silver shatter isn't working so great let me know, or if your shatter was like this too it'd be good to know that i'm not the only person it's not worked for.
Thanks for reading!