So today is my 24th birthday, and I am sat in my bedroom listening to the wind and rain slamming against my window,( one of the joys of being a November baby is that it is way too cold and miserable to warrant leaving the house to do anything for it!) and I decided what better time than to write a little post, because let's face it I haven't posted in a while.
I suppose this post is more of a my last few weeks in pictures post as the few photos Im posting have been taken over the last week or two.
Maybe it's my old age (ha!) but I can't even remember taking a few of these, they were just on my phone!
Top Row L-R: Minion Hat that my friend kindly had made for me, Me and Charlotte from Geordie Shore, Bottom Row L-R: A rainbow, Out for a walk with my dog Minnie :-)
So nothing overly exciting but just a few photos to show what i've been up to in my absence from blogging, which is spending time with friends listening to Lorde's album Pure Heroine a lot and also meeting Charlotte from Geordie Shore when she was doing an appearance at one of the nightclubs near me, she was really nice!
Aside from these few things i've been job hunting which is getting more and more difficult as I go along, i'm just hitting brick wall after brick wall with that one everytime and it's becoming so frustrating to the point where I just want to give up altogether, but I keep telling myself it will happen eventually if I keep trying!
So how have you all been? Are you all getting ready for Christmas yet, or is it still too early?