Hi there! Today I have a bit of a haul to show you all. I have been away for a while and have been quite busy but between my last post and now I have made a few purchases that I'm pretty excited about and thought it'd be a nice post to get back into the swing of things with and so you could also see some of the things I'm playing around with as they will all be reviewed shortly!
OPI Nothin' Mousie About It, Maybelline Color Tattoo in On and On Bronze and Benefit They're Real Mascara |
So first of all, I was in Leeds for my sisters wedding a few weeks ago, and on the way home in the airport I picked up Benefit's They're Real Mascara for £15 compared to the €25 or €30 it is here, which is why I hadn't jumped to get it until now because I really can't justify spending that much on mascara. Also in the airport I picked up a Maybelline 24 Hour Color Tattoo in On and On Bronze, It's a pretty bronze colour and it's hard for me to find a Maybelline stand with all the colours of these at home unless I go to Dublin so I got it in Leeds, also wanted to get the Permanent Taupe shade but they had none left. Also as a surprise my boyfriend very kindly bought me a bottle of OPI's Nothin' Mousie About It, which is the pink glitter polish with hearts in there too polish from OPI's Minnie Mouse collection, so I was so happy about that - think he was too because it stopped me moaning that none of the websites I buy OPI off had any of that particular polish left Lol!
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain In Honey |
At some stage either before Leeds or after, but I think it was before, I picked up one of the new Revlon Kissable Balm Stains in Honey. I really love these things, they're so amazing! I want to get more of them, the only thing is that the colours all look insanely bright and scary! So if any of you have the other colours please let me know if they actually do come out that vivid or not! I'll put a swatch of this at the end of the post.
And yesterday while I was in Dublin, I went a little mad. First of all there was a 3 for 2 in boots on everything, and all I picked up was another Color Tattoo in Pink Gold which by the way is absolutely beautiful! I have been searching for a cream eyeshadow in a colour like this for the longest time! I think this is a new shade in the range because I've never seen it before but its so pretty!
Maybelline Color Tattoo in Pink Gold |
But low and behold, I couldn't find two more things I wanted in boots so I got annoyed with myself for missing out on an opportunity to get lots of things, and before I knew it I found myself in Debenhams, where I splurged on this...
Urban Decay Smoked Palette |
Aaahhh! look how beautiful it is! I have wanted this since I heard about it and yesterday I just found myself at the Urban Decay counter looking at it, then the nice lady asked could she help and I asked how much it was and before I even realised it I had paid for it! Oops! Here's a quick look at the inside of the Smoked Palette, I'm not going to go into too much detail about it now because I've only had it since yesterday and haven't played with it enough yet, but wow it sure is pretty!
Urban Decay Smoked Palette |
And to round it off I bought InStyle Magazine yesterday because they had a sample size of Benefit's Cha Cha Tint which I've wanted to try forever but have been scared of because the stuff is neon orange in the bottle. But it's actually gives a really beautiful peach flush and I'm in love with it and will have to get the full sized bottle.
Benefit Cha Cha Tint |
Cha Cha Tint - It's Orange! |
Swatches Left: Just Bitten Balm Stain Honey Right: Cha Cha Tint |
So that's it for now, as you can tell there will be a lot of posts coming over the next few weeks, along with tons of other products and things I have to post about. So you will be hearing a lot more from me from now on!
X o X