A few days ago Georgie from Bean's Beauty Blog (to see the swap I recently did with Georgie click here!) tagged me in her Beauty Tag post and I thought it had some pretty interesting questions, so i've decided to take part and complete her tag - yay!
Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, lipsticks, eyeliners, lipsticks and lip-glosses, or lose all of your palettes and eye shadows?
This pretty tricky! I love my palettes and eyeshadows, but if I had to loose them to get to keep everything else I would, because you can still look put together without eyeshadow.
Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
My hair actually really bugs me when it's too long and has no shape to it so i'd say chop it all off!
If you had £500, would you spend this on clothes or makeup?
I'd spend that amount on clothes because it's more practical. I love make up but I don't think I could spend that much on it alone at once!
Would you rather only use one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life?
I'd rather one lip colour as I tend to stick to the same kind of shades all the time anyway.
Bright nails or nude nails all year round?
Nude, without a doubt!
Would you rather never be able to use lipgloss or paint your nails again?
I don't particularly like lipgloss but I wear it more often than I paint my nails so i'd choose getting rid of nail painting.
Describe your perfect mascara. Have you found one?
It has to be volumising, not flake or smudge as I rub my eyes a lot and I tend to prefer drier formulas. And yes my favourite mascara is Lancome's Hypnose Doll Eyes, that stuff is wait for it - LEDGENDARY!
What's your ideal coverage foundation?
It depends on how my skin is at the time. If it's clear i'll wear medium coverage if not it's heavy My skin is awful so more often than not its a heavy coverage foundation that i'll be wearing.
Favourite high street/drugstore beauty brand?
Bourjois, they have some really great stuff and their foundations are my favourites.
Favourite High end beauty brand?
That would be MAC.
Is there any makeup you can leave the house without wearing?
If I leave the house without make up, which I do quite often i'll always have brow gel in nothing fancy just plain old clear gel.
What is your most cherished beauty product?
That'd probably my Naked palette - the original one.
Do you have a budget each month, or do you spend freely?
I have a budget, which usually dosen't involve buying new make up anymore seeing as i'm a grown up now and have to watch every penny that I spend! If I run out of something or see something I really want I will treat myself every now and then but that hasn't happened in a while now!
How often do you shop for goodies - online or in stores?
I used to shop online a lot, but very rarely now as it's too easy for me to spend more than I want to. As for in stores, I look a lot but haven't seen anything that has caught my eye in a long time!
Do you always use the same skin routine or do you like switching it up?
If something is working for me I stick with it. My skin is so strange though that something that works well and has cleared it can sometimes turn around and make it worse all of a sudden so when it does I find something else!
Top 5 Beauty Gurus?
Emilynoel83, Goss make up artist, Essie Button, From Head to Toe and Tanya Burr.
If you could only buy one makeup brand forever which would you buy?
If money was no object - MAC. Otherwise it'd probably be Bourjois.
Which brand has your favourite packaging?
Pretty sure everyone would answer this question the same haha! It's got to be Benefit!
Which do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
Foundation THEN concealer! It just dosent work the other way around, if you put concealer on first then foundation ontop you disturb the concealer underneath when you're buffing it into your skin to me there's just no point doing it that way!
What skin type do you have?
Is shitty considered a skin type!? Haha! It's combination, it can be very dry and also very oily.
Name a makeup crime you hate
Drawn on eyebrows. It looks rediculous. It's supposed to be subtle girls, learn to do it right!
Quick Fire Questions
Blush or Bronzer?
Lipgloss or lipstick?
Foundation or concealer?
Brushes or sponges?
OPI or Essie?
Lotion or body butter?
Body butter
I tag ALL OF YOU to answer these questions, if you do make sure to leave me a link in the comments below so I can have a peek at your answers! And thanks again to Georgie for tagging me!