Tuesday, 15 April 2014

MUA Undress Me Too Palette

I recently took part in a swap with Georgie, a fellow beauty blogger (you can see the swap here, if you haven't seen it already!) And one of the things I immediately fell in love with was MUA's Undress Me Too palette. 

Yes I know what you're thinking - "oh god she's banging on about another neutral palette!" and yes this one is very similar to other palettes out there, I actually think it's really close to being like the Naked 2, I don't know what it is its just blown all the other palettes I have out of the water.

It has 12 shades, and to me it seems there are only 3 fully matte shades with the rest being metallic, but not so metallic that they look insane. The shadows still come off looking really soft and pretty looking once you've applied them to the eyes. 

Top Row Swatches

Bottom Row Swatches

The texture of the shadows is lovely, they're all buttery soft and blend well. The matte shades are soft and easy to work with too, though corrupt (the black shade) is quite chalky you can still get it to work well without a huge amount of effort. 

I have been reaching for this palette daily since I received it, and I have been able to make barely there eye looks to deeper, smokey looks. I must actually say that I've been really enjoying the smokier looks I've been getting with this palette that it has steered me away from the really natural eye looks that I usually opt for.

Over all I absolutely love this palette, and I have never seen any MUA products here in Ireland but I think they need to pull the finger out and bring their products here because I for one would love to try more of their stuff - especially the palettes!

Are any of you as in love with this palette as I am?

Friday, 11 April 2014

What's In My Makeup Bag #3

 Hola! Getting ready this morning I was digging through my make up bag and was thinking there's a lot of stuff in here I'm not using, this isn't practical - I need to sort this out! 

So I reorganised the contents of my make up bag and decided I'd show you what products I'm currently using the most because I haven't done it in a while! It's always interesting while I'm doing these posts to look back on my last one and see what products have made their way in - or out of my make up bag.

Base Products
This may be the only part of my make up bag that never changes! I've been finding that my beloved Bourjois healthy mix serum is a tad too yellow for me lately for some reason, so I have started to use my other favourite foundation Revlon Colourstay more, I'd be using this over the healthy mix serum at the moment anyway on account of my skin being awful. Then I have my 2 trusty concealers - Collection's Lasting Perfection and Maybelline's The Eraser.

Blushes, bronzers and powders

This hasn't changed too much either - Benefit's Rockateur is still my blush of choice, I usually pair this with MAC's MSF in Adored used with a light hand as a highlighter and I get a really lovely glowy effect that makes me look really fresh and awake. I contour everyday now, which is unusual for me! But I use Dainty Doll's Money Talks Blusher as a contour and it's just perfect for the job when you have Casper's complexion! My powder of choice these days is Maybelline's Super stay 24 hour powder. I just really like the coverage this gives without looking cakey and it doesn't cling to dry patches or break down when your skin is oily - my ideal powder!

The only eye shadows I have been using are from MUA's Undress Me Too palette that i received in a swap from Georgie, you can see the swap here if you'd like! I absolutely adore this palette and have actually mostly been using the darker shades which again, like contouring is somewhat of a big change for me make up wise!

Mascaras, Eyeliner, brows, etc
I have been using 2 mascaras. Seventeen's superlash and my favourite Lancome's Hypnose Doll Eyes. My Doll eyes has nearly run out and I'm trying to scrape every last bit out of the tube and I'm also trying to get to grips with the Super lash - I'm still not sure that i like it. My brow products haven't changed, I'm still using MAC's Fling brow pencil and a clear brow gel the one in the photo is Catrice's, which I really like as the brush has a traditional mascara wand like side to it and the other side has more of a comb type of thing going on. The eyeliners I've been sporting lately are Stila's Smudgestick in Damsel and Rimmel's Scandal eyes in nude. And lastly -  I couldn't be without my Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion!

So that's everything I've been using. Not a ton of stuff compared to the amount that was in the bag before I re organised it! It's going to be much easier to not have to root through piles of stuff that I'm not even using! 

What's in your make up bag at the moment?

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

The Beauty Tag

A few days ago Georgie from Bean's Beauty Blog (to see the swap I recently did with Georgie click here!) tagged me in her Beauty Tag post and I thought it had some pretty interesting questions, so i've decided to take part and complete her tag - yay!

Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, lipsticks, eyeliners, lipsticks and lip-glosses, or lose all of your palettes and eye shadows?

This pretty tricky! I love my palettes and eyeshadows, but if I had to loose them to get to keep everything else I would, because you can still look put together without eyeshadow.

Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?

My hair actually really bugs me when it's too long and has no shape to it so i'd say chop it all off!

If you had £500, would you spend this on clothes or makeup?

I'd spend that amount on clothes because it's more practical. I love make up but I don't think I could spend that much on it alone at once!

Would you rather only use one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life?

I'd rather one lip colour as I tend to stick to the same kind of shades all the time anyway.

Bright nails or nude nails all year round?

Nude, without a doubt!

Would you rather never be able to use lipgloss or paint your nails again?

I don't particularly like lipgloss but I wear it more often than I paint my nails so i'd choose getting rid of nail painting.

Describe your perfect mascara.  Have you found one?

It has to be volumising, not flake or smudge as I rub my eyes a lot and I tend to prefer drier formulas. And yes my favourite mascara is Lancome's Hypnose Doll Eyes, that stuff is wait for it - LEDGENDARY!

What's your ideal coverage foundation?

It depends on how my skin is at the time. If it's clear i'll wear medium coverage if not it's heavy My skin is awful so more often than not its a heavy coverage foundation that i'll be wearing.

Favourite high street/drugstore beauty brand?

Bourjois, they have some really great stuff and their foundations are my favourites.

Favourite High end beauty brand?

That would be MAC.

Is there any makeup you can leave the house without wearing?

If I leave the house without make up, which I do quite often i'll always have brow gel in nothing fancy just plain old clear gel.

What is your most cherished beauty product?

That'd probably my Naked palette - the original one.

Do you have a budget each month, or do you spend freely?

I have a budget, which usually dosen't involve buying new make up anymore seeing as i'm a grown up now and have to watch every penny that I spend! If I run out of something or see something I really want I will treat myself every now and then but that hasn't happened in a while now!

How often do you shop for goodies - online or in stores?

I used to shop online a lot, but very rarely now as it's too easy for me to spend more than I want to. As for in stores, I look a lot but haven't seen anything that has caught my eye in a long time!

Do you always use the same skin routine or do you like switching it up?

If something is working for me I stick with it. My skin is so strange though that something that works well and has cleared it can sometimes turn around and make it worse all of a sudden so when it does I find something else!

Top 5 Beauty Gurus?

Emilynoel83, Goss make up artist, Essie Button, From Head to Toe and Tanya Burr.

If you could only buy one makeup brand forever which would you buy?

If money was no object - MAC. Otherwise it'd probably be Bourjois.

Which brand has your favourite packaging?

Pretty sure everyone would answer this question the same haha! It's got to be Benefit!

Which do you apply first, concealer or foundation?

Foundation THEN concealer! It just dosent work the other way around, if you put concealer on first then foundation ontop you disturb the concealer underneath when you're buffing it into your skin to me there's just no point doing it that way!

What skin type do you have?

Is shitty considered a skin type!? Haha! It's combination, it can be very dry and also very oily.

Name a makeup crime you hate

Drawn on eyebrows. It looks rediculous. It's supposed to be subtle girls, learn to do it right!

Quick Fire Questions

Blush or Bronzer?


Lipgloss or lipstick?


Foundation or concealer?


Brushes or sponges?


OPI or Essie?


Lotion or body butter?

Body butter

I tag ALL OF YOU to answer these questions, if you do make sure to leave me a link in the comments below so I can have a peek at your answers! And thanks again to Georgie for tagging me!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

(Another!) Beauty Box Swap

Hey there! It's been a long time since I posted I know. I've been poorly and in and out of hospital the last month or so so that's why there has been silence from me for a while! I'm happy to say that I'm now back and raring to go with regular posting again!

So during my lack of posting, I was asked by the lovely Georgie from Bean's Beauty Blog to do a swap with her. 

I never pass up the opportunity to do a swap with another blogger so of course I said yes! And Georgie being the lovely person that she is asked me if there was anything in particular that I wanted to try out so I told her that we cant get MUA products here in Ireland so she very kindly said that she would get me some of their stuff to try out!

 I received my box from Georgie last week when I was feeling very poorly and sorry for myself and it really lifted my spirits and I'm so happy with everything I was sent, Georgie did an excellent job! I sent my package off to Georgie a few days ago, and I'm looking forward to seeing what she thinks of it! 

Anyway! here's what you want to see! The goodies! :)


My box contained some really great things as you can see! Georgie sent me two face masks which I'm starting to have a collection of these days funnily enough! She gave me a cucumber cooling mask and a tropical self heating one which I used last night and I have to say it was really good, and my skin is so hydrated and feeling so soft today :) 

The part I'm most excited about is the two MUA palettes! Georgie picked out two perfect ones for me the Undress Me Too palette and the Ever After Matte palette. Both are gorgeous and exactly the kind of palettes that I would pick out myself. I've been using the Undress Me Too palette everyday since I got it and I love it, its very similar to Naked 2. I haven't played around with the Matte palette yet but I'm going to break it out soon and I'm hoping its going to be as good as it looks.

Georgie also sent me two MUA blushers one called Cupcake which is a really lovely peachy pink shade and Marshmallow which is a super bright looking pink! I haven't used them yet but from swatching them they seem great and feel really buttery in texture.

There is also an MUA Mosaic Bronzer in the box too, but unfortunately it arrived broken so I haven't been able to use it, if anyone knows how to fix broken powders let me know because I'm really keen to fix it so I can use it as it looks really nice.

One of the last few items that Georgie sent to me are MUA's Hide & Conceal Concealer which is a traditional twist up lipstick style concealer. I haven't got on too well with these kind of concealers before but I have to say I'm finding this one to be working well for me and it blends nicely too which has always been a problem for me with these kind of concealers but its working well and I'm really liking it so far. 

Georgie also included a Miss Sporty Eyeshadow Duo which is really nice actually. We get Miss Sporty here but they're not really a brand I've tried much from and I have to say this little duo is pretty nice and works well so it's made me want to try more from them.

The last item I received is the Up All Night Mascara and I think it's from One Directions line with MUA but I'm not sure so hopefully someone can confirm that for me? I haven't opened it yet as I don't want it to dry out while I'm trying to use up other opened mascaras but I really cant wait to get into this. From what I've seen on other blogs it seems right up my street - a volumising mascara that has something to do with One Direction - that can't be any better in my eyes! ha ha!

I think Georgie did such a great job and she picked out things that I really love and have been enjoying using so much that I can see a lot of these products - especially the palettes making their way into my daily make up routine. If there's anything I recived that you'd like to see a full post on let me know and i'll be happy to do it for you.

So thank you so much to Georgie for asking me to do this swap! If you're not familiar with her blog you should pop over and have a look, she's such a lovely person and her blog is great and well worth a read!

Hope you're all well and i'll be back to regular posting over the next week! 

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