John Frieda 3 Day Straight Styling Spray |
Apologies for the glare in this photo, I had to take this on my phone as I ran out of battery on my camera and it's so dark here right now because the weather is crappy that I had to shine a torch on it to make it show up! Lol! I would have waited until I got batteries to do this review but I was just so excited and wanted to share my opinion of this stuff that I couldn't wait!
I was so intriugued when I saw the advert for this on TV. I hate straightening my hair. It takes me forever because my hair is very thick and I have a good few layers and let's face it, I always do a half arsed job of straightening it because it just takes so bloody long! After about half an hour of straightening my hair there's kinks and waves coming back into it, it's a disaster to manage.
So I got this in Boots. It was €9.99. Pricey, I usually don't buy too many hair products, the majority of them don't work and also just make my hair go really greasy so fast it's crazy. I really wanted to try this, read reviews first as I always do, actually while i'm on the subject,
MakeUpAlley.Com is an great site for getting quick, honest reviews from normal people who use the product your looking for, I use this all the time if i'm not 100 percent sure about buying something. Anyway, people on make up alley were saying this was a HG (holy grail) product. So I took a risk and invested in this.
And holy grail? More like holy cow! This stuff is....FANTASTIC!
3 day straight is a semi-permanant styling spray for use with hair dryers and straighteners. The semi-permanant thing put me off first I was thinking there must be a lot of chemicals in there that damage hair and it'll probably make my hair really dry, but reviews said otherwise.
The instructions say to use on wet or damp hair, and to use 7-15 sprays depending on hair curl and thickness. You then comb it through hair to make sure it is evenly distributed.
Straight away I noticed a difference, even before I started blow drying my hair. My hair was so much easier to comb through and it was detangling so easily it was crazy. This stuff also makes your hair smell good too, can't really describe the smell, but it's good!
I then started blow drying my hair. Straight away I noticed how much smoother, softer and shinier my hair looked. It may be just my imagination but it was also drying quicker, and I had no frizz! A problem I have always had no matter what i've tried to get rid of it. Honestly once you're done blow drying theres a huge difference in straighteness and you could leave it like this if you want a more natural look, but I took it further and straightened it.
And WOW is all I can say. My hair was so much easier to straighten, was getting shinier as I straightened it, was staying in place like I had put hair spray on but without that feel hairspray has. It took half the time to straighten my hair, and it was poker straight. I was so happy at this point that I didn't even mind if it didn't last the 3 days it's supposed to because my hair looked so good and was so much easier to manage.
So I went to bed after straightening my hair and woke up the next morning and it was still absolutley perfect. I didn't even have to run my straighteners over it again! The second day there was a bit of a kink in the ends, but I lightly straightened them and they were as good as new again. It's the third day now and my hair is still very straight, very shiny and dosent have any frizz.
The best thing is that I usually have to wash my hair every other day. I can't remember ever being able to leave it for 3 days without it looking greasy. Especially my fringe, it gets in my way a lot and I always have to push it out of the way meaning it gets greasier quicker than the rest of my hair, but it still looks like I have just washed it!
This stuff is crazily good! I so recommend this! For very curly hair, or for hair like mine that is just a pain to handle, this is such a good product and I am so getting this again, probably will for the rest of my life! It is just excellent! It has actually made me enjoy doing my hair :-)
A little non-hair related post!
I was hoping to half my order from ELF by today, but no post today :-( So hopefully Monday! Also ordered another order from ELF because I wanted to take advantage of their mystery box offer I posted about earlier, so fingers crossed I get that next week too. And I just got a conformation e-mail from Sleek about my order from them too, they were very slow confirming it, but it's all good now it seems, so just a little update to say that there's lots of ELF and Sleek reviews soon!
Also want to say thanks to everyone who is reading my blog, I can't believe the amount of views I have been getting! I never thought it would be so well looked at! Also I now have a few more followers so thanks to you guys too! And i'd love if more of you reading would follow too, that would be fantastic! Plus I want to do a give away and would like a few more followers before I do that! :-)
Thanks for reading and take care!